How Modern Collaboration Tools Help Raise Your Hybrid Work Productivity

| Friday December 10

A modern Digital Workplace solution can go beyond just supporting your core business processes to create successful means for many professional emergencies that your Hybrid workforce may face. 

Here’s a list of conveniences that a set of efficiently utilised modern collaboration tools can help you achieve:

1.Great Employee Onboarding to Retain New Talents

Employee Onboarding Apps can be used individually or can be integrated into your SharePoint intranet. It lets you make a good first impression in front of your new hires. 

New employees bring fresh perspectives and ideas from previous experiences, utilising their expertise and helping them adapt to your company culture plays a long-term role in enhancing their loyalty and efficiency. They may bring in new approaches to business challenges right away and utilise new opportunities for business expansion. 

Creating online content and communities with the intranet, specifically for new starters in a hybrid workplace helps them to understand the organisation and connect with individuals who can support them. By encouraging them to collaborate using a digital workplace solution right away, they’ll be able to contribute ideas and make an impact. 

2.A Digital Workplace Solution to Set Everything Right

Having collaboration apps and tools like Slack, Microsoft Teams, etc. in place isn’t enough. A digital workplace that functions optimally – and creates an efficient employee engagement experience – is one of the most important to consider. 

A modern intranet can provide you with a virtual alternative to your canteen catchups, chat rooms, an information centre and much more. It makes it easy for employees to connect, collaborate and communicate, be it in-office or remote, alike. 

While unexpected absences are inevitable in the current scenario, we need to make sure that the disruption due to it can be minimised efficiently. Document management holds a vital part in the workplace as well. A properly structured knowledge base can save a lot of time and effort that would have otherwise gone into locating a document in need. 

3.Satisfy Client Expectation Going Hybrid

It’s not only employee expectations that have fundamentally changed with the rise of hybrid culture. It holds importance to the change in customer perspective as well. Customers now want to enjoy both the conveniences – partially remote interactions that can save up a lot of time and the in-person experiences as well that they have missed during the last year. Bringing it all within operational constraints isn’t easy but might turn out to be a fantastic opportunity for every business to get this right. 


Everything comes with its share of pros and cons and so do hybrid workforces. Therefore, all we should go for are the collaboration tools that bridge this gap in the most effective way possible. 

Give your workforce the collaboration tools they need to innovate and make more intelligent decisions, in a secure way. Drive accelerated engagement and enhance people’s capabilities and ability to contribute to make your hybrid work culture a success.